The Bride and Groom

The Bride - Sandy Fernández

Sandy was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. She is 28 years old and is proud to have had the opportunity to travel the world and meet all different kinds of people (the strangest one being Todd)! She has lived in Caracas, Venezuela, London, England, and Florence, Italy before settling down with Todd in California. Sandy enjoys all outdoor activities (no wonder she likes California) including Hiking, Kayaking and (recently) Snow skiing. Her perfect weekend would be spent in Lake Tahoe (as long as it didn't invlove searching for wedding location -- don't even ask)!

The Groom - Todd L. Holsopple

Todd hails from Sarasota, Florida. He is 30 years old and now lives in Sacramento, California where he works for DST/Innovis (a software billing company). Todd enjoys writing, playing and recording music in his home studio. Todd speaks one language (English) fluently, and one language (Spanish) badly, although he is improving (Estoy aprendiendo Español de mi prometida, Sandy). Todd's favorite outdoor activities include Snow skiing, Kayaking and everything BUT looking for wedding locations (again -- don't ask)!

Content by: Last Updated on Design by:
01- September-2001