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Big Sur, California
Lisbon, Portugal Paris, France Madrid, Spain São Paulo, Brazil Caracas,Venezuela Amsterdam,Holland Arnhem, the Netherlands Nassau,Bahamas London,England Curaçao,N.A. Santiago, Chile Edinburgh, Scotland Vancouver, Canada Hyderabad, India Rome & Florence, Italy ETBT 2004 - Sierra Foothills ETBT 2005 - Lake Tahoe |
Technical Ecstasy Blog Back Up and Running!
I guess that this proves you are never too old or too experienced to learn
the most valuable of lessons....in this case: backups! My Web Host is migrating
accounts to a new platform and somehow most of this page disappeared! I did
a quick patch job and we're back up and running. A completely new redesigned
website is forthcoming, but it's huge and I've got limited time to work on it. In
the meantime, enjoy what I have here!
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2007-10-25 10:48:00
2005 Emigrant Trails Bike Trek
We just finished a 3 day bike trek in Sierra Nevadas of
California. The
Emigrant Trails Bike Trek is an annual fundraiser for the Sacramento Lung Association
Emigrant Trails. This year was not quite 100 miles, but oh, the elevation!
Donner Summit (7,800) and Brockway
Summit (7,178) were the highlights of this trip. And the funny thing was that i
t was easier than last year. Here's the
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2005-09-25 00:00:00
2004 Emigrant Trails Bike Trek
We just finished a 3 day bike trek in the Sierra Nevada
Foothills of California. The
Emigrant Trails Bike Trek is a fundraiser for the Sacramento Lung Association Emigrant Trails.
This 3 day, 100 mile event raised nearly $270,000 and featured over 300 riders!
Check out the story
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2004-09-25 00:00:00
Italy Travel Page Posted
It's getting harder and harder to put these things toget
her, and they seem to keep getting
longer and longer with each trip. Actually, this one was written relatively soo
n after our trip - only a 6 month
lag time: Not bad, give my previous procrastinations. Pretty soon, I'll need t
o move from putting these things online to
getting "dead tree edition" (a.k.a "Books") published! Anyway...click
here for the lowdown on our vacation in Italy. This trip includes highlight
s from Rome (including a real-life
pickpocketing which is unfortunately entirely autobiographical), Florence and Tu
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2003-06-16 00:00:00
New Web Host
My web page is now hosted by Ipowerweb. The domain
name technicalecstasy.org now is a tru
e domain (before it was merely
reflected to http://technicalecstasy.org/). The new server also allows me 400 m
egs of space! I am
currently in the process of re-doing all of the travel pages: You now can (or w
ill soon be able to) click on the
thumbnail pictures in my travel pages to see full size images!
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2003-02-06 00:00:00
Hyderabad, India Travel Page Posted
I have posted a travel story and photos from a recent bu
siness trip to
Hyderabad, India. This is
the longest story to date -
I was there for two weeks and there is just so much foreign culture to try to de
scribe. Enjoy!
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2003-02-06 00:00:00
Edinburgh, Scotland Travel Page Posted
I have finally posted another travel page (only about 2
years behind schedule). It was
time to get this one up so that I can work on another one for a recent mini-vaca
tion to Vancouver, BC. Anyway,
tales of Scotch, Castles and haggis await you here
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2002-06-10 00:00:00
The Big Wedding
The big news? I got married! Please visit
http://www.technicalecstasy.org/wedding.html to check out all the scenes of
the happy day!
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2002-05-04 00:00:00
Adventures in Santiago, Chile
I just added my personal anecdotes and some pictures (my
basic story and photos of a
foreign land) from my trip to Santiago, Chile to the
page (it should show up on the menu to the right also). Enjoy!
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2000-08-12 00:00:00
Rejoice! GIMP available for win32 platform!
Wow! Someone finally ported the GIMP from the 'nix plat
form to Windows. I was
suprised....it actually works pretty well. It also has TWAIN support for scanne
rs, etc. This means no more
scanning in Paint Shop Pro, then rebooting into Linux (couldn't get the scanner
detected in Linux...USB support
issues)to edit the images! Anyway, you can get it here:
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2000-08-11 00:00:00
More Travel Pages Done
Wow...I managed to get the London and Bahamas trip pages
done (it's amazing the work you
can get done when you have a few days off from work). Check 'em out. The only
travel pages that remain to be
written are the Santiago, Chile trip and my skiing retrospective. The Santiago
trip should be up here by the
end of the week. As usual, enjoy, kids!
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2000-03-03 00:00:00
A Brand New Page!
OK...I finally updated the page. I have added a few thi
ngs (mainly the Linux links and my
current screenshots) as well as trip stories and photos from Caracas, Amsterdam
and Arnhem. I am still working
on: the Bahamas, London, Santiago (Chile) and a retrospective of all of my skiin
g adventures.
Posted by: Todd Holsopple on 2000-03-02 00:00:00
My mission Welcome to Technical Ecstasy: Todd Holsopple's website dedicated to music
and travel. Please enjoy!